Happy Father’s Day! Today’s post is for those of you wondering what happened to Friday’s design story. I’m still here. A little bit more tired, covered in paint, but still here. I don’t know about you but this week has been the busiest I’ve had in a while. So many things are wrapping up, school is ending and as we’re saying goodbye to our wonderful first grade teachers, we’re also packing and preparing the last details of our upcoming move. Since our lease ends in a short two weeks, the countdown to moving day is on and my good friend Alexia, a talented local photographer, offered to come over to our place and take a few pictures before everything is dismantled and stored away in boxes. It’ll probably be months before I’ll find them again so goodbye vases, slipcovers and fluffy pillows. We did a mini-shoot on Friday and it was so much fun! My house is far from being magazine-worthy but it was a good experience that gave me a little bit of insight into the world of shoots and styling. I have worked with Alexia on product styling in the past but this time, being my own home, it felt different. I realized there are still many things I need to get a handle on, like making faster decisions and not dragging my feet, keeping it simple, allowing myself more time to explore different styling possibilities… But mostly to keep it simple. I tend to get way in over my head when it comes to OUR rooms, too many ideas to experiment with and too much freedom gets to me. Anyway, I will keep today’s post short and simple, and very real, and show you a few behind the scenes of our home, photoshoot and packing … I promise to get my blogging act together for next week! 🙂