One of the best things about living in Western Massachusetts (besides the natural beauty of the region and the countless little antiques shops I’ve come to know as the back of my hand) is being able to travel to Boston and New York City on a whim. Last night I made it to John Rosselli Associates on 61st Street and attended a book signing organized in honor of interior designer Cathy Kincaid’s new book, The Well Adorned Home – Luxury for Everyday Living. The event was coordinated by Niven Breen (Thank you, Chesie Breen for the invite, and Coco Van der Wolk for your kind words! ) My hands were steadier this time and I managed to take a ton of decent photos of John Rosselli’s GORGEOUS shop, decorated to the brim with exquisite antiques, art and one of a kind pretties! And I got my book autographed too!