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A bestseller in the “bulb and flower gardening” section, Sean Pritchard’s book, Outside In, is a colorful antidote to a dull afternoon. These past few days I’ve kept two books within reach at all times. One is Alias Grace, a novel by Margaret Atwood, the other is Outside In, by Sean Pritchard. One is dark and disturbing and dives deep into the most hidden recesses of the human heart, the other is light and inspiring, and celebrates a life of color and flowers through the lens of a consummate gardener. I’ve been enjoying both reads, for very different reasons. Whenever I need to come up for air from spending too much time in the company of Grace Marks, I rinse my heart and fill my mind with the beautiful images and sensible advice that Pritchard passionately shares in his book.
Outside In – A year of growing and displaying, by Sean Pritchard