I don’t know about you but it’s been a while since I fell head over heels in love with a house I saw in a magazine. It’s been a while since I lost myself researching the paint colors, sources, the designer’s reasoning behind certain decorating choices etc and I miss that feeling. I miss the quickened heart rate and the enchantment, and I wonder if it’s me that’s changed, or the homes we see more and more of. That glossy perfection where everything is brand new, tailored and custom made for a space just doesn’t appeal to me. I am drawn to character, age, interesting details, quirk and things slightly off, worn and warm. Objects found and objects cherished for what they represent more than their monetary value. So, since I don’t have a cute new home to show you today that has all of these attributes, I thought we could go down memory lane and visit some old favorites here on Café Design, houses that for whatever reason have left a long-lasting impression in our heart.
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