Earlier this month we spent a blissful week on Cape Cod and made it to the island of Nantucket for a day visit. It was great to see in person some of the houses I’ve swooned over for years through the blog and social media and I returned inspired to add a touch of Nantucket to our own little cottage garden. One of the most remarkable details on the island, and on Cape Cod in general, was the stunning curb appeal of so many homes. Window boxes are an art form on Nantucket (you’d be pressed to find one you didn’t like) and the prettiest houses were the ones with the most colorful front yards, no matter how big or small. We fell in love with the architecture and quiet charm of Cape Cod and since our return I’ve been trying to break down that distinct Nantucket look and figure out ways in which I can add some of its charm to our own house and garden. Here’s what I have so far, none of it breaking news, but all of it feasible with some effort and expense.