The Latest Finds

My apologies for missing yesterday’s post! We had a busy weekend followed by an even crazier Monday with projects and finds I’m so excited about that I get butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I had something else in mind to post about today but we’ve been making some progress at home and in the garden and because some of you have asked to see more of our garden plans, I thought you’d enjoy a peek.

Cammy Pollak’s garden

A couple of weeks ago I was thinking of ways to beautify our garden and found a garden arbor on sale and ordered it on a whim. I have always loved the look of cottage gardens with arbors overflowing with roses and thought the look would fit our little house really well. My Instagram friend Cammy Pollak’s garden has been on my mind ever since I saw it last year and although ours is nowhere near as beautiful as hers is, I kept this photo as inspiration. 

Cammy Pollak’s garden

It took a couple of weeks for the arbor to arrive and I sort of lost hope it will but then it arrived on Saturday morning. It came in bits and pieces with NO instructions for assembling. It was painful. As much as we love puzzles, and this one only had 30 pieces or so, it took the three of us (Isabella helped) several hours to assemble it. Then I got to priming and painting it in the garage. (It’s the season everyone’s fiddling with their garden and white arbors were out of stock so I ordered the stained wood instead and spent looong hours painting the lattice and checking for drips.) Our landscaper had an opening yesterday morning so I had to rush and get it done as soon as possible. He did install it yesterday and I love it!! Mind you, it’s not perfect, or finished but I did paint the top parts and I’ll be out later today to finish painting the base before it rains.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you the arbor in place because it’s already made such a huge difference in our garden!

To recreate my inspiration, I’ve also ordered New Dawn rose climbers that are yet to arrive. We’ll plant one on the right side of the arbor and the other one next to our house. We’ll train it to climb a trellis we’re building (hopefully) soon following instructions I’d found in a gardening book.

I am not sure how many years we’ll have to wait for the roses to reach Nantucket-cottage-like proportions but hopefully a year or two will suffice 😛 No?

Another project we’re planning to do outside later this year (time and skills permitting) is building a small shed for our fire wood. Something simple like this one below, but free-standing. We occasionally make a fire during the winter months (so far we’ve done maybe 15-20 fires during the cold season) so we don’t need a lot of storage space.

I’d also like to turn the small spot of land behind the arbor into a cook’s garden but for that we first need to deal with a drainage problem on the left edge of our property and that is going to take careful thought and consideration. But how sweet is this little veggie patch? The image is from this gardening book I found extremely helpful so far, a beginners’ guide called Gardening Made Easy, edited by Better Homes and Gardens.

Now onto the interiors… Over the weekend we found this pretty Ethan Allen camelback sofa on Craigslist. We even got it delivered all the way from Connecticut! We’ve been very careful and kept our distance at all times, wearing masks and gloves. The sofa will be in the garage for at least 3-4 days… It’s in excellent condition, clean and I plan on recovering it in a soft caramel velvet…

Something similar to this one below…

And last, yesterday we also found a lovely hutch! Go figure!! After months of looking for something to go in our living room, something with timeless lines, and just the right size and price tag, we found this beauty by accident and arranged to have it delivered last night. I kept my distance, again, and plan on refinishing it as soon as possible.

Listing photo

And that’s about it… Both the sofa and the hutch will require some serious TLC (tons of loose cash), but they both give me all the feels! Eeeek!!! (Is it weird to get this excited about someone else’s discards? Probably… ) Anyway, I know many of you are here for the pretty pictures so I’ll do my best to deliver a handsome home tour later this week. Take care!!! 



  1. Katie Morene
    May 5, 2020 / 10:48 am

    It’s slowly coming together – which is how a house turns into a home! Congratulations on the beautiful finds Eva. Will you paint or stain the hutch? I love the open bottom (vs. all drawers).

    • Eva Contreras
      May 5, 2020 / 11:10 am

      Hi Katie! Thank you for stopping by, so glad you like these Craigslist finds! Last weekend was so strange… I lucked out after months of searching in vain.
      As for the hutch, it all depends on what I find when I clean up the wood. At a first glance, the piece is a bit darker and redder than it looks in the photo so I will try stripping the finish first and see what happens. If the natural wood doesn’t look good then maybe we can re-stain it with a walnut finish. If that doesn’t work either, I’ll paint it black or dark green or navy blue… But that’s my last resort, and I will definitely share the experience on the blog. Take care! xo, Eva

      P.S: If you have any thoughts about the hutch, feel free to share!

      • Katie Morene
        May 6, 2020 / 1:54 pm

        Eva – Look at Cerusing Wax by Amy Howard, she has several YouTube videos on it. You can use it to tone down a wood color. We’re thinking of trying it on a fireplace mantle that I’d like to look more natural vs. more stained.

  2. Lauren H
    May 5, 2020 / 10:59 am

    Congrats on all of the developments! I love the arbor. Can’t wait to see it’s progress after you plant the roses. 🙂

    • Eva Contreras
      May 5, 2020 / 11:10 am

      Thank you, Lauren!! I appreciate it! xo, Eva

  3. David Cerretani
    May 5, 2020 / 2:09 pm

    Everything is looking great! I can’t wait for each of your posts!

    • Eva Contreras
      May 6, 2020 / 7:06 am

      Awww, thank you so much David! Take care!

  4. David Cerretani
    May 5, 2020 / 2:10 pm

    Everything is looking great!

  5. janebucklin
    May 5, 2020 / 5:42 pm

    The arbor provides lots of cottage charm and a good point of entry to your lovely backyard. Great finds on Craigslist. Pretty pictures are nice but we love seeing the progress on your home. Jane xo

    • Eva Contreras
      May 6, 2020 / 7:09 am

      Hi, Jane! Thank you so much, I appreciate it! With Craigslist, patience and luck are key… I have been lacking both with the search for the past six months, so I am glad that last weekend made up for it! Take care! xo, Eva

  6. Maureen
    May 6, 2020 / 10:49 am

    It’s all coming together. Great finds on the sofa and hutch. Looking forward to the transformations.

  7. Tina
    May 6, 2020 / 12:47 pm

    Fabulous finds!! Also if you don’t want to wait for the drainage to be fixed, raised bed planters are the way to go. Your husband’s skills would be perfect for the job!!